Thursday, 19 May 2011

NW 200 Practice 2011

Here's a link to the North West 200 Tuesday 2011 practice by BBC NI

There's no footage for Thursday practice yet :( Roll on the weekend!!

Here's the Thursday practice:

Thursday, 12 May 2011

On-Track Off-Road OTOR

Came across this nifty free monthly webzine called On-track Off-Road. Shall be keeping an eye on that one :)

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Cookstown 100 2011

The TT had great coverage last year by the ITV4 and the Beeb. The Cookstown 100 was aired by the Beeb last year too (albeit on Northern Ireland regional only - but I watched it on iPlayer). Needless to say, this year it went missed (as far as I can see). So here's some on-board footage of Andrew Courtney completing the full race...

The Cookstown 100 will be on BBC NI at 10:45 tonight (18th May 2011). Thanks @MariaCostello for the tweet!
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